Monday, February 2, 2015

Cultural Symbols of Australia

The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest coral reef and one of the seven natural wonders of the world. This reef is not only larger than the Great Wall of China, but it is also the only living thing on earth that can be seen from space. Due to it's natural beauty the Great Barrier Reef has become one of the world's most sought out after tourist destinations. 
The Great Barrier Reef is home to over 400 different types of coral,  over 1500 species of tropical fish, more than 200 types of birds, and around 20 types of reptiles. Some activities that the Great Barrier Reef allows its visitors to do are: snorkel, scuba dive,helicopter tours, glass bottom boat viewing, & whale watching. 


 The Kangaroo

The kangaroo is a native of Australia and also appears on the Australian Coat of Arms. It is also Australia's national symbol. 

The kangaroo belongs to the marsupial family. Marsupials are mammals whose babies complete postnatal development in their mother's abdominal pouch. They do not need a lot of water to survive, being able to go as long as three weeks without drinking at all. Kangaroos move around by hopping on their hind legs, being able to travel as fast as 40 km per hour. 

 Commonwealth Coat of Arms 

The Commonwealth Coat of Arms represents the Commonwealth of Australia and is used by the Australian government departments and agencies, statutory and non-statutory authorities, the Parliament and Commonwealth courts and tribunals. The symbol represents Commonwealth authority and ownership. 


The six of the seven points on the star that sits at the top of the shied represents the six states of Australia. The seventh point symbolizes the territories. The kangaroo and emu are the native animals to Australia and some say that they symbolize the country moving forward. It is believed that these animals can not move backwards easily. The state of North South Wales is represented by the cross of St. George with lions and stars. The state of Victoria is represented by the Southern Cross. The state of Queensland is represented by a blue Maltese cross and crown. The state of South Australia is represented by the Australian piping shrike. The state of Western Australia is represented by a black swan. The state of Tasmania is represented by a red walking lion. 

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