Monday, March 16, 2015

Human Development

What is human development?

       The concept of human development was introduced to the world by an economist named Mahbub UI Haq. Mahbub UI Haq also includes Amartya Sen's work on what humans are capable of doing in this world. What human development actually entails, however, is improving and broadening the richness of life as opposed to the economy. Human development is all about bettering the lives of the people in this world through opportunities and the choices that they have available to them.
    The way that human development is measured is through Human Development Index (HDI). HDI is an unweighted average of a nation's longevity, education, and income and is widely accepted in development discourse. 
Click on the link below to watch the video on human development and learn how it can be measured?

Where does Australia stand in the world?

Compared to the rest of the world, Australia is ranked second, right below Norway, for having the highest level of human development. While Australia has many indicators that allow it to be ranked second in the world, the 3 most important indicators that I find to contribute to this ranking are: 1.Health
2. Education
3. Employment and Vulnerability. 
Below you will see the statistics for each of these indicators.


Image result for australian health
Life expectancy at birth: 82.5
Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births): 4
Under five mortality rate (per 1000 under five children): 5
Infants lacking immunization - % of one year olds, DTP: 8
Infants lacking immunization - % of one year olds, Measles: 6
Antenatal coverage (% of live births): 98.3
HIV prevalence (% ages 15-24), female: n.a.
HIV prevalence (% ages 15-24), male: n.a.
HIV prevalence (% ages 15-49), total: n.a.
Adult mortality rate (per 1000), female: 46
Adult mortality rate (per 1000), male: 80
Age standardized obesity rate (% of ages 20 and older): 25.1
Health expenditure (% of GDP): 9.03


Image result for australian education

Mean years of schooling: 12.8
Expected years of schooling: 19.9
Adult literacy rate (% ages 15 and older):n.a.
Population with at least some secondary education (% aged 25 and above):94.4
Gross enrolment ratio: pre-primary (% of children of pre-school age):95
Gross enrolment ratio: primary (% of children of primary school age):104
Gross enrolment ratio: secondary (% of children of secondary school age):133
Gross enrolment ratio: tertiary (% of population of tertiary school age):83
Primary school dropout rates (% of primary school cohort):n.a.
Pupil-teacher ratio:n.a.
Expenditure on education (% of GDP):5.12 



Employment to population ratio: 62.3
Vulnerable employment (% of total employment):9
Youth unemployment (% of ages 15-24): 11.7
Unemployment rate (% aged 15 years and older): 5.2
Child labour (% of ages 5 to 14): n.a.
Long term unemployment rate (% of the labour force): 1.1
Length of mandatory paid maternity leave (days): n.a. 
Below is a table listing the top 10 countries with very high human development, high human development, medium human development, and low human development. 

Very high human development  
Norway 57.3
Australia 95.4
Switzerland 51.1
Netherlands 91.4
United States 83.6
Germany 80.2
New Zealand 61.4
Canada 73.7
Singapore 97.2
Denmark 70.6

High Human Development

Uruguay 57.0
Bahamas ..
Montenegro 60.2
Belarus 90.4
Romania 77.7
Libya 98.7
Oman 100.0
Russian Federation 91.0
Bulgaria 75.0
Barbados ..

Medium Human Development

Maldives ..
Mongolia 95.4
Turkmenistan 100.9
Samoa ..
Palestine, State of ..
Indonesia 66.4
Botswana 65.4
Egypt 96.5
Paraguay 33.8
Gabon 38.9

Low Human Development

Nepal 12.5
Pakistan 60.9
Kenya 19.7
Swaziland ..
Angola 39.3
Myanmar 21.3
Rwanda ..
Cameroon 26.8
Nigeria 17.4
Yemen 98.5

Low human development
145 Nepal 0.540 68.4 3.2 12.4 2,194 0.537 0
146 Pakistan 0.537 66.6 4.7 7.7 4,652 0.535 0
147 Kenya 0.535 61.7 6.3 11.0 2,158 0.531 0
148 Swaziland 0.530 49.0 7.1 11.3 5,536 0.529 0
149 Angola 0.526 51.9 4.7 w 11.4 6,323 0.524 0
150 Myanmar 0.524 65.2 4.0 8.6 3,998 h 0.520 0
151 Rwanda 0.506 64.1 3.3 13.2 1,403 0.502 0
152 Cameroon 0.504 55.1 5.9 10.4 2,557 0.501 0
152 Nigeria 0.504 52.5 5.2 w 9.0 5,353 0.500 1
154 Yemen 0.500 63.1 2.5 9.2 3,945 0.499 0

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